The Thanksgiving Selfies animated ecard begins with a man walking over a Thanksgiving table with a turkey and all the lovely food for the special dinner. A man walks over and puts his smartphone on the table, moves the basket of bread with the gravy boat. Looking satisfied, he walks away and left his phone on the table. Suddenly, something takes the phone away and it sounds and looks like photos are being taken and something puts the smartphone back on the table. The man walks back and picks up his smartphone and see a photo of a cooked turkey with a bowtie on his screen and as he flips through the photos selfies were taken by the green beens all smiling and dressed for Thanksgiving with a corn on the cob smiling doing a photobomb. The next one has a slice of cherry pie smiling with the corn on the cob, turkey ad string beans. The final banner appears around the photo reading “Have your selfie a Happy Thanksgiving”.