Season's Greetings eCards

Season's Greetings eCards

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Season's Greetings eCards

Free Season's Greetings Cards

Free Season's Greetings Cards

This is the time of year for greeting cards. Make this season a Doozy by sending our warm and hilarious Season's Greetings eCards.

Funny or flirty, serious or sublime, the onset of winter begs a little warmth. While the charm of the first snowfall still remains, celebrate Winter and the festive season with free Season's Greetings eCards. Doozy Cards supplies a wide variety of styles for just the right card for each snowbunny in your life; from the funny bunny to the caring coney to the ribald rabbit. Animated Season's Greetings eCards have the added benefit of celebrating the common joy of the holiday season without having to worry about expressing the correct particulars of friends who celebrate different religions from one's own. Funny Season's Greetings eCards go over with everyone who likes to laugh, just as traditional eCards for Season's Greetings touch everyone who appreciates mature sentiment.

You can make our tastey Gingerbread man say whatever you wish in our Talking Gingerbread Cookie ecard. (Do not dunk in milk before sending!). If you are on a no-gluten diet, try putting words in the mouth of our Talking Snowman instead!

The elegant "Carol of the Bells" accompanies the universal "Peace on Earth" message in our card with white doves on a decorated pine.

From elegant to charming, when Max and Sophie bring out their puppies in the sleigh for a traditional sleigh ride (I wonder which carol they will sing?) during our Max Seasons Greetings ecard.

And then there are those Candy Canes; those spicy, Randy Candy Canes. Hubba Hubba, looks like some fun on the mantlepiece.

And for those that just can't take the season seriously there is the ... how shall we say... "iconoclastic" Farting Snow Fairy card. All we will say in our defense is; This is actually a very popular ecard!




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