View the Old Tyme Thanksgiving Ecard
This ecard is a sequence of vintage Thanksgiving postcards. On the first postcard, a young boy wearing a silver driving cap and silver attire and apron and he is driving an antique gold Ford card without a top. Behind him is a large turkey with beautiful feathers sitting on a large orange pumpkin and on the pumpkin the word “Thanksgiving” is written on it. Baskets of fruits, corn and seasonal vegetables are sitting in baskets around the pumpkin. In the background there is a view of a small village, trees and house and a church in the background. The second postcard there is a turkey with beautiful feathers and as a background to the turkey we see a pumpkin pie facing us with a slice missing and the words Thanksgiving greetings written in the pie. A young boy and girl are standing on each side of the turkey, both wearing off white vintage clothing to the knee, black stockings, the boy has a red bow at the top of his shirt and a red belt. The girl has a red sash around her waist and a red bow in her hair. Third postcards shows a antique red car without a cover with 3 turkeys driving and riding it at great speed. At the bottom of the card the words Thanksgiving greetings is written and vintage decorations are painted on the edge of the postcard. The fourth, fifth and sixth postcards share the next screen in a fade in fade out motion. The first postcard has a beautifully feathered turkey in a field with red and orange leaves at the top of the card like a crescent. Thanksgiving greetings is written at the bottom. The second card has a young maiden wearing a light blue dress, white apron and white cap is sitting and her left arm is around a white feathered turkey. Behind them is a large moon with eyes, nose and mouth. At the bottom of the postcard the words hearty thanksgiving greeting are written. Next, we see a your chap dressed as a turkey with green feathers. In the background there is a tall hay bush. At the bottom of the postcard the words Thanksgiving smiles are written. The two next postcards are together on the screen the first one showing a beautiful high platter filled with fruits and the postcard says Thanksgiving cheer and prosperity to all and the second postcard shows a wood bucket with a cute face filled with corn on the cob also with cute faces and a few autumn leaves are around the bucket. The words happy Thanksgiving are written in yellow at the top of the postcard.