In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue, but he could have saved himself a long voyage if he had just taken the day off like the rest of us and sent one of Doozy Card’s unique Columbus Day eCards. So, climb aboard the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria and discover some hilarious Columbus Day greetings to send to your friends and family.
Columbus may have been slightly confused about just where his ships landed. If only he had utilized Columbus GPS to help him navigate the waters, he might have fared better. If someone you know seems to be a bit lost at sea, Doozy’s eCards for Columbus Day will help guide them back to more familiar waters with a good laugh.
The history of Columbus’ arrival in the “New World” might not have been as rosy as the rhymes or certain stories might have us think, but our original Columbus Day eCards will help set the record straight. Just take a lesson from the Columbus Day eCard, and you’ll get a better picture of what Columbus found when he arrived.
If you’re looking to send more personalized and charming Columbus Day greetings online, our Talking Horse will greet your friends and neigh-bors with your own message. While Columbus may have brought the first Spanish horses with him to the Americas on his second trip, you won’t hear them bragging about it. Well, maybe the talking one will.
Columbus may have also benefited by watching How To Discover America, one of our new animated Columbus Day eCards. What would the holiday be without a backyard barbeque to celebrate? Just don’t forget to invite Castro and the Queen(s). Charmingly irreverent, Doozy’s free Columbus Day eCards will guarantee a safe passage for your message. And we’ll make sure it arrives at the correct destination, too!