The Magical Heart Anniversary animated ecard is set in a magical forest where we first see a bluebird sitting on a branch close to the ground with mushrooms, lilies of the valley and ferns. The branch sways gently in the wind and the blue birdflies off and is being followed by two bluebirds holding a cherry and the other one a flower. On the ground, they are followed by a white mouse pushing a strawberry, one with a cherry on its head, another bluebird with two cherries and more mice with more fruits and flowers. Next, we see that the bluebird and the mice have put together a beautiful heart made with the fruits and flowers. A mouse is finishing up the heart as the bluebirds watch up in the trees. When it is all done, we have a full view of the forest clearing with a heart which is surrounded by flowers as well as the mice and bluebirds. The final banner appears reading “Happy Anniversary”.