View the Funky Penguin Hello Ecard Ecard
The card begins with a penguin holding a fishing rod sitting on the top of a small iceberg looking bored. The next frame appears with a swirling figure coming from under the ice and it is our Funky penguin, wearing a large brimmed black hat and gold sunglasses holding a microphone. As he begins to sing, the iceberg background moves to the left to uncover Funky penguin’s band; one penguin with a large wavy black hat and round gold glasses, a penguin drummer with a large brim brown hat playing the drum kit in front of him and the word “Shy” is written on bass drum and on each side of the drum are 2 big polar bears each standing on an ice mound and dancing to the music. As he sings, Funky penguin is dancing left to right and swirls around again. He moves to the next frame singing away and in the background, polar bear is standing in front of an igloo holding a towel over a fire making a smoke sign that spells “hello”. Funky penguin dances back in front of his band and polar bear dancers, he dances and swirling and we get a close-up of Funky penguin closer to his band as he sings. Next frame, we see a polar bear hand holding a fish and he writes on the snow “Hello”. We go back to Funky penguin singing, dancing and holding a flip phone that he flips open as he sings “hello” and in the background one of the polar bears is holding a sign saying “hello” as well. Next scene we see our funky penguin and our bored penguin who is now smiling as they are each holding a cup to their ear with a string that connects both cups. Over them, a red plane flies by with 2 polar bears in it and a hello banner attached to the back of the plane. The final banner appears saying “Just wanted to say hello”.