This Birthday ecard starts with a video clip of 3 dandelion heads that have gone to seed and are white and fluffy. They sway against a blurred purple background. Above them we read the words, "I have a very special wish." The scene fades to black while we hear a breath blowing. A new scene appears which shows a sloping field of flowers in the impressionist painting style with many bright colors like red and yellow and purple over the green grass. In the background is a cottage or barn with a thatched roof and a few green trees. Floating above the field, against a blue sky with puffy white & purple clouds is one dandelion seed. The seed floats over the field and drifts over to another cottage in the field. As it drifts we see the words, "I am sending my birthday wish over to you". When it arrives the screen fades to black and we read the words, "My wish is..." The scene reappears in the field at the first cottage. This time many dandelion seeds are taking off into the air. We new read the words, "May all your wishes come true. Happy Birthday."