The Yom Kippur Cheetah animated ecard is set outside under the sun as a cheetah wearing a black jacket walks in holding a huge bag on his back and the bag has the word sin written on it. The cheetah walks across the scene and to a synagogue. At the synagogue, he tries to push the bag of sin inside the synagogue, trying again and again, jumping on it but to no avail. He stops and looks at us putting his hands up in defeat and walks inside the synagogue. As the sun goes down, the huge bag of sin gets smaller and smaller. When the sky is dark and the moon and stars are shining, the bag is now only a small piece of cloth. A shofar appears from of the synagogue’s door and we hear it in the night. The cheetah comes out waltzing from the synagogue looking at us smiling and feeling light. To the final screen and banner reading “good wishes for Yom Kippur”.