View the Max Guards the Cottage E-card Ecard
This is an animated ecard with Max, a dark brown Labrador with a red collar and he is sitting on the lawn in front of a beautiful country stone house, a flat rock path to the house, tall trees and green bushes. While Max is sitting and looking at us, a squirrel comes down the tree at the right of the screen and Max gets up, faces the squirrel and barks. The scared squirrel goes back up the tree and Max goes back to sit, facing us. Suddenly and right next to Max, something is making a hole and soon, a gopher comes out of the hole. Max gets up once again and barks at the gopher scaring it and he goes back underground. Next, a bush at the left of the screen begins to shake and Max goes to inquire. After a few instants, Max rushes out from the bush as he is being followed by a T-Rex dinosaur! The T-Rex follows Max off screen leaving huge prints on the lawn. Max comes back running still being hunted by the T-Rex. They leave the screen and the squirrel comes back down the tree and searches the lawn as the final banner appears in dusty pink color with the words “have a fun day. No animals were harmed in the making of this card”.