eCard Category


Good Rosh Hashana

Good Rosh Hashana

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View the Good Rosh Hashana Ecard
The Good Rosh Hashanah ecard is a sequence of photos and prose beginning with an envelope with a Star of David sticker. The sticker pulls up, opening the envelope and pops up a photo of a pomegranate, an apple and a jar of honey and the words read “May you be written and sealed in for a good and sweet year…”. Next is a photo of a shofar with the words “filled with joy,” and to the next photo of a challah bread on a bread board and two candlesticks in holders and the sentence continues “health and prosperity”. To the final photo of an ancient Torah and the words at the top of the screen read “L’Shanah Tovah tikateyou v’tichatemu!”.
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