Animated Veterans Day eCards

Animated Veterans Day eCards

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Animated Veterans Day eCards

Choose a Animated Veterans Day eCard

Choose a Animated Veterans Day eCard

Thank your favorite Veteran this Veteran's Day with a fun, Animated Veteran's Day ecard from Doozy Cards!

Veteran's Day is a special day dedicated to giving thanks to everyone who is a former member of our military. These brave men and women are incredibly important to the United States, but also to citizens who enjoy the freedom that makes America so wonderful. These individuals deserve our thanks for laying their lives on the line to defend our lives and freedom. Doozy Cards are a fun and easy way to give thanks to these amazing heroes!

We've gathered some of our favorite talking ecards together here for our veteran's. These are all military, or America related, either in their character, theme, or both. Our talking cards are a completely unique way for sending your love and thanks to a veteran. Simply enter your message on the card's personalization page. Once the recipient opens the card, our exclusive character will read the message out loud. This means that every card is unique! These cards are a fun and easy way to send love, good wishes, or thank a veteran for their service.

Also, take a look at the animated Veterans' Day slideshow ecard. This card presents a slideshow of iconic images from many of America's most famous wars. Over the images a simple about remembrance plays, and in the bottom right hand corner an image of a soldier walks toward the screen. Their uniform changes to represent the uniforms worn in each war. It's a touching, and simple message. A perfect way to say thank you to a veteran.

Veteran's Day is a great time to thank a veteran with an animated ecard from Doozy Cards!

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