Funny Tax Day eCards

Funny Tax Day eCards

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Funny Tax Day eCards

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Choose a Funny Tax Day eCard

It happens every year, inevitable as the tides. Tax season is upon us. Take the sting out of tax season trying time by taking a break to send Funny Tax Day eCards to all your friends and family.

We can't make paying your debt to Uncle Sam fun exactly (we wish!) but we can alleviate the seriousness that always seems to come ‘round this time of year. Our ecards are perfect comic relief, and can provide a fantastic distraction from itemized deductions, taxable income, and exemptions. And if you're one of those rare creatures who has their taxes filled out and filed months ahead of schedule--what better way to brag about it than a Funny Tax Day ecard?

Alfred Hopscotch Tax Horror is a hilarious ecard which stars Doozy's own master of horror, Alfred Hopscotch. Much like his real-life counterpart, he is here to pull back the curtain on a scene of horrifying horror. During tax season nothing is more horrible than all those forms... sheesh!

Everyone's heard thee old saying about life's two inevitabilities. Death and Taxes is an ecard that aims to bring those two things even closer together. Journeying through history we peek at a hapless IRS agent to whom many terrible things happen. It's a tongue-in-cheek laugh at the agency that we're all fond of cursing when tax seasons rolls around again.

Shh... Don't look now, but we're being hunted by... Hang on. Is that Uncle Sam? Oh, we forgot to warn you. He does this every year when taxes are due. He's lurking to make sure you turn all your documents in on time. He takes your taxes very seriously, so you better be sure you crossed all your t's and dotted all your i's.

Add a little humor to your taxes with Funny Tax Day ecards from Doozy!

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