Don't take a wrong turn like Columbus did. You're in the right place for Columbus Day ecards! We understand you don't always have the time to sift through dozens of animated ecards to find the perfect one for each of your friends and family. We take the guess work out of finding the right holiday ecard. With Popular Columbus Day eCards you can be sure the ecard you're choosing has been sent hundreds of times, and is a fan favorite on our site!
A fleet of ships, and not enough food, equals a lot of hungry sailors. In Columbus Drive Through we see Columbus set off on his famed journey. All too soon, the crew are famished. Luckily there's a drive thru up ahead. Columbus pulls in, and puts in a huge order of cod nuggets, flying fish sandwiches, and a hearty helping of grog to top it all off. It seems like Columbus is the hero of this story... except... who forgot the sauce? Oh no!
For a fractured history lesson, direct your attention to How to Discover America. You may learn something--and it may or may not be right! Columbus and the queen... oops... not THAT queen! He and the queen discuss Columbus's plans to discover India. He takes his three ships... Wait a second. That's not a ship! Three SHIPS set sail, and Columbus lands in Cuba and meet Fidel Castro and Desi Arnaz. That's definitely the way that happened in 1492. Right? Right?!?!
Columbus is perhaps the worlds worst navigator. Things would have been so different if he had GPS. Columbus GPS is a funny ecard that explores that possibility in hilarious fashion.
Popular Columbus Day eCards are a great way to spend you day off this Columbus Day. We've taken the guesswork out of choosing the perfect ecard. These popular ecards will get the laughs as you celebrate the founding of America.