Ties. Golf. Fishing. If you are a Dad, the odds are heavy on that you will receive a paper or electronic Father’s Day card centered on one of these themes… much to your chagrin as the number of Dad’s interested in these activities are far smaller than presumed by people sending these cards. As charming as the thought and sentiment may be, how many times can you be teased about getting an ugly tie on Father’s Day? Scanning the usual suspects in the card racks at your local CVS reveals the moribund state of many giant corporate card makers. Online the pickings are equally slim in the realm of the vastly popular ecards. Ties, golf and fishing, only this time they appear in full animation with tinny music! To stave off putting Dad through the cringing moment of a forced smile, look for ecards with out-of-the-box ideas to win a genuine smile, perhaps even a guffaw from Pops this year.
Beer. Without upsetting the Women’s Temperance Society, it must be said: Dads like beer. This is because men like beer and the overwhelming number of Dads are, believe it or not, men. Dads are not necessarily known for indulging in this hop flavored treat at every opportunity during family meals. However, somewhere in the man-mind, beer remains a keystone in the male pleasure consciousness. What better way to honor and delight a Dad then with funny Father’s Day ecards dedicated to the golden liquid?
Music: Contrary to popular belief, Dad’s love good, fun music. The teen in the black high top sneakers with the sloppy t-shirt did not disappear at “I do.” He just deferred to his roommates’ tastes. But down in there lurks the rocker, the Jazzman, the wild haired Ludwig waiting to dig his tunes. (Those of you whose houses feature a man-cave or sound proofed garage may already know this). Good, energetic music scores the best of the animated ecards for Dad. You can now give Dad a moment to appreciate music for him without having to put an amp in your cellar.
Clever Varmints: Dad’s are can-do people, by and large. At least they are supposed to be. One of the trademarks of the species is the ability to fix anything with duct tape and epoxy. Dads pride themselves on their resourcefulness. So when anthropomorphizing, they laugh hard and long at tiny furry things that display the same clever resourcefulness, such as talking bears, bulldogs or even moose.
The “S” Word: We know. We apologize. It’s just the way the universe is built. Men do not lose all hormones merely upon the arrival of a wife and the pitter patter of tiny feet. They just tuck them away for when no one is looking… well, no one except the missus. As has been written time and time again, men think of sex on average once every ten seconds; more the younger they are. Use this predilection for an occasion of humor, some gentle teasing while acknowledging Dad’s interest in this field.
The bottom line with Father’s Day ecards is to give Dad, the man who shoulders so much of the family’s burden, a smile and a good feeling. Where Mom may smile from cards expressing the warmth of the heart, the most popular way of expressing feeling for Dad is by offering him a moment to laugh and smile.
About Doozy Cards: A small, family owned and operated animation studio and ecard company, Doozy has been creating original ecards since 2003, including popular Father’s Day ecards. A father and daughter team founded Doozy Cards with the intention of uplifting each person who views their cards.