This hilarious animated ecard begins with a large red sign with white letters and white snow flakes saying how reindeer learned to fly. Next, we see Santa Claus outside in the snowy Winter wonderland with pine trees filled with snow, a tall pole with a white and red ribbon and at the top, a placard with the words North Pole written on it. Santa is holding a can of beans and is opening it. We get a closeup of Santa opening the can with a can opener then back to the full view where we see Santa Claus putting the can of beans on the snowy ground. Santa Claus walks away and a reindeer appears looking on the ground, moving forward he gets to the can of beans and starts eating the beans as Santa, popping from the side of a pine tree, watches the reindeer eat. The reindeer looks up and sees Santa and farts loudly and flies off over Santa as Santa leaves the scene. Next, we see Santa come on the scene and he farts! The final banner in large bright red letters appears on the screen saying hope your Christmas is a gas as Santa dances side to side farting away.