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Turkey Staying Alive

Turkey Staying Alive

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First shot we see a male turkey in his underwear in front of his mirror getting ready to go out. He is wearing 2 golden chains around his neck and brushes his hair. Next, our turkey is walking down the street with a zoom on his legs and one hand holding a large can of Crisco. As he walks, the words “Thursday night fever” in red appear on the screen and the word fever flashes on and off. We then see our turkey’s upper body; he wears a red shirt with collar wide open so we can see his chains, a black jacket as he struts down the street. We are then in a disco club where turkey is now wearing a white shirt, white pants and black boots and he dances away to the music and showing his dancing prowess. After he is done dancing we move to the next screen where a cooked and steaming turkey is on a Thanksgiving decorated table with candles, and the turkey has two golden chains around it. The final banner appears saying “Happy Thanksgiving”.
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