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I Will Do Anything 4 U Sweetest Day

I Will Do Anything 4 U Sweetest Day

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View the I Will Do Anything 4 U Sweetest Day Ecard
This cute Sweetest day animated ecard is set in a small Mexican village where we have a chihuahua named Pablo sitting in a hammock drinking a margarita. He hears a beating sound in the distance and we see that it is a bat hitting something. Pablo does not like it and we see that the bat is hitting a piñata in the form of a lady chihuahua. Pablo gets up and runs in the direction of the beating sound through the village by the food table, he runs through the banner and balloons fly up. Pablo goes on running through the village people celebrating with the Mexican flag around his neck. He arrives at the tree where the lady chihuahua piñata is hanging, cuts off the rope with his teeth and takes her away all the way to his hammock where each holds a margarita and smile in delight. The final screen appears of the village and the final banner saying “I will do anything for you. Happy Sweetest day”.
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