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Golden Retrievers St. Patrick's Day

Golden Retrievers St. Patrick's Day

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View the Golden Retrievers St. Patrick's Day Ecard
This animated ecard set in an Irish meadow and two golden retrievers are sniffing the ground and suddenly a leprechaun jumps off from the grass and starts to run. The two dogs begin to run after the leprechaun and the leprechaun goes inside an old Irish tower. The two dogs hesitate at first but then the go right in the tower. We see their heads pop out from two of the windows and they are wearing Irish green bowler hats as we see the leprechaun run out of the tower. The two dogs run out of the tower and go after the leprechaun. Next, we are in front of a pub and the leprechaun runs inside followed by the two golden retrievers. Once inside, the two dogs are sitting on stools at the bar and the leprechaun pops up with two green beers for the two dogs. The leprechaun begins the dance on the counter as the dogs lap up their beer and the final banner appears with the words have a happy St. Patrick’s day.
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