RUBES by Leigh Rubin

RUBES by Leigh Rubin

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RUBES by Leigh Rubin

Free RUBES eCards

Free RUBES eCards

RUBES is an entertaining cartoon that you can normally find in the funny pages of your newspaper. We're lucky to be able to offer these animated RUBES ecards.

Our animated ecards are always entertaining, but these RUBES comics are sure to have you laughing hard enough to bust your gut!

-Pirate Booty Birthday is a hilarious ecard. Some treasure hunters are in search of the famed pirate's booty. They're about to see a little more than what they expected!

-Rudolph's Revenge features everyone's favorite reindeer. He sits peacefully, humming his signature song. But, slowly, a sinister scene is revealed, showing Rudolph to be more sinister than you ever imagined.

-Snowman Humor Happy Holidays is a funny animated ecard, starring two snow siblings. Just like any young siblings these two kids are picking on each other. The argument is too funny for words!

-Snowglobe Humor is a funny ecard that gives you an idea of what it's like to live in a snow globe. It will definitely give you second thoughts about shaking a snow globe again!

-Rudolph the Brown Nose Reindeer is a funny ecard. It contradicts the belief that Rudolph was a red-nosed reindeer. He's kissing up to Santa, giving positive proof that he is, indeed, a brown-nosed reindeer.

-Birthday Cow Humor, a hilarious ecard, stars a father cow, who is arguing with his daughter over her new piercings.

If you enjoy the RUBES comic as much as we do, you're definitely going to love sending these fun cartoon ecacrds!

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