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Old Tyme Flag Day

Old Tyme Flag Day

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This Flag day ecard is a sequence of vintage postcards that appear on top of a vintage American flag. It begins with a postcard with 3 American flags wrapped gracefully on 3 poles with a long strand of roses and a bald eagle in the middle and the quote is “the clustered stars and steadfast bars, The red, the white and the blue!”. The postcard fades out and the next one appears with a woman standing on a marble step and seat behind her as she holds a large American flag and you can see Washington DC in the background and the quote is “Dear flag of our country, whose stars and whose bars call all her sons to defend her; God helps up be true to the red, white and blue. Her principles never surrender.” The postcard fades out and the next postcard is of a your woman from the early 1900’s wearing a long blue dress with a white collar and red ribbon at the neck and a white hat with red stripes. She holds a large American flag by a fence and the ocean is in the background with a sailboat on the water. The word “greetings” is written at the bottom. Next is a postcard announcing Flag Day 1917 where there are two men in late 1700’s army garb, canon, one man with a white wig is raising up the American flag and the words on the postcard are: “ 140th Flag day 1777 - 1917. The birthday of the stars and stripes June 14th 1917. ’Tis the star spangled banner, oh, long may it wave o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!” The postcard fades out and the next image is a magazine cover shows a woman and her daughter around the 1940’s each wearing a white dress and they are hanging the American flag and the words “United we stand”. The image fades out and the next postcard is of the American flag with the words “the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave!”. The postcard fades out and the next postcard shows two children from the early 1900’s standing in front of an American flag, the little boy wearing an army cap and playing the drum and the little girl wearing a paper hat plays the trumpet and holds an American glass and there are fireworks on the floor. The quote is “still whatever fate betides us, children of the flag are we!” This postcard remains and the final banner appeared with the words “happy flag day”.
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