Missing You eCards

Missing You eCards

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Missing You eCards

Free Missing You ecards

Free Missing You ecards

Missing someone you love can be sad and frustrating. When it's hard to see, or say hello to a loved one it can weigh on your mind and your heart. 

At Doozy cards, we understand this frustration, which is why we've created these missing you ecards. They're a wonderful way to send love, and a warm thought to someone who is always on your mind.

-Bear Hug ecard is a great way to send a gigantic hug to your favorite person. This card works for kids and adults alike. Our bear seems scary at first, but he's just eager to pass along a great, big, bear-sized hug.

-Life's Little Challenges ecard is a cute ecard that acknowledges that life can be difficult. Our charming crustacean is being chased by a ferocious shark. He doesn't give up though, no matter how tough things are for him. Our little lobster doesn't give up, though, and neither should you.

-I Miss You Dear is a sexy ecard, where a woman lounges in bed. She says she misses you, and you turns out to be--well, this funny ecard must be seen to be believed!

-We Miss You/Let's Stay In Touch ecard stars our sweet little superhero, and her very big monster friend. Monster is sobbing because he misses you. His brave little superhero is trying to keep it together though, because she doesn't want you to be really upset. This is a sweet missing you ecard, which will be appreciated by a loved one of any age.

Missing a loved one is challenging, but staying in touch is important. It's never been easier to stay in touch during the 21st century, and it's even easier when you're a member of Doozy Cards!

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