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Warm Thanksgiving e card Wishes

Warm Thanksgiving e card Wishes

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View the Warm Thanksgiving e card Wishes Ecard
The Warm Thanksgiving e card wishes ecard is set in the country outside a country store with a sign reading “Bradley’s Country Store” and a 1920’s vintage Ford car with a basket strapped on its trunk sitting in front of the store. Next, a dog dressed as a man and standing on his two legs comes out from the store holding a grocery bag and gets in the car. The store’s owner, another dog, wearing a long apron, is carrying a large bag and settles it in the basket. The car drives off as the store owner waves. The car drives through a covered bridge surrounded by trees with autumn leaves. Next, the car arrives at a house with a wreath on the front door and beautiful autumn trees at the back of the house. We see dog relatives through one of the windows. The Dog driver gets out of the car and takes the bags and walks to the front door as someone opens the door for him. We see him join his relatives through the window as the final banner appears reading “Wishing you a warm Thanksgiving”.
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