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Groundhog Chippendales Strip

Groundhog Chippendales Strip

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View the Groundhog Chippendales Strip Ecard
This animated ecard is set in the snow where we see a hole in the snow and a very thin tree without leaves. As the music begins, a spotlight shines on the snow hole and out comes a groundhog with a green park with the hood on. He begins to dance to the music then removes his parka and has a pair of tight black pants, a blonde wig and white cuffs with cufflinks around his wrists looking just like a sexy chippendale dancer. He begins to dance and sway under the spotlight. He winks, turns around and shakes his booty, does the moonwalk and then uses the tree as a dance poll, comes down on the snow under the spotlight and goes on dancing. The screen changes to a new screen with the final banner with the words hope your groundhog day is fun! in large light blue letters and groundhog with his big blonde wig pops up at the bottom center of the screen and winks at us and then goes back down.
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