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Max's Father's Day for Grandpa

Max's Father's Day for Grandpa

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View the Max's Father's Day for Grandpa Ecard
This is an animated ecard with Max, a dark brown Labrador with a red collar and he is sitting on the lawn with his little boy, a golden Labrador with a yellow collar, and they are sitting in front of a beautiful country stone house, a flat rock path to the house, tall trees and green bushes. As the music plays, the two dogs stand up on the hind legs holding their top paws together and dance back into the bush at the left of the screen. The bush shakes and both dogs reappear, little dog sitting on a yellow bicycle while daddy dog holds him to make sure he does not fall off. Daddy dog lets him go and little boy dog goes on his bicycle on his own! Max barks and sits as another bush, at the right side of the screen, shakes and a little boy Labrador is driving a red sports car with the top down out of the bush holding a flag with the words #1 dad. Max gets in the passenger seat and they drive back and forth on the lawn as roses bloom around the windows of the house. The car finally parks at the center of the screen with Max and his son looking at us and the words “happy father’s day to an amazing grandfather” in red letters.
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