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Max & Sophie's Magical Christmas

Max & Sophie's Magical Christmas

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View the Max & Sophie's Magical Christmas Ecard
This is an animated ecard with Max, a dark brown Labrador with a red bow around his neck and he is sitting on a snowy lawn in front of a beautiful country stone house with snow on the roof, a flat rock path to the house with a lit lantern closer to the house, tall trees behind the house and bushes around the house. Lovely snowflakes are falling and more lit lanterns begin to appear along the stone path. A bush at the left side forefront begins to shake and suddenly, a horse walks on the scene pulling a Christmas red carriage with Sophie, Max’s golden Labrador wife sitting at the front of the carriage and their 7 little puppies sitting at the top seat of the carriage. The carriage stops and we can see Max sitting in the snow looking at us as well as Sophie and their puppies, all looking at us from the carriage as snow is still falling. The final banner in orange letters with green outline appear a the top of the screen with the words happy holidays.
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