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Belated Birthday Doghouse

Belated Birthday Doghouse

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View the Belated Birthday Doghouse Ecard
This animated ecard is set it a yard with a dog house where we can see two sad eyes in the dark of the dog house. The eyes blink with sadness and the words “I’m sorry I missed your birthday” appear next to to the dog house. A rope with a handle comes down from above right outside of the dog house and an arm comes out from the dog house and pulls on it. A crane grip comes from above and grabs the roof of the dog house, pulls it up revealing a table with a 3 tiered cake, party hats, balloons, confettis and a smiling dog with a sweater with the words happy birthday written on it. The dog is looking at us, dancing back and forth to the music as his ears flops around his head. The final banner appears at the top of the screen with the words “but still, I wish you a very happy birthday”.
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