eCard Category


Piglets Rock

Piglets Rock

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View the Piglets Rock Ecard
The ecard begins with a red curtain that opens up on a stage with a piglet wearing a cowboy hat playing the drums with a sign above the stage saying “Grand Ole Pig Sty”. There is a large cake on the stage with the words Happy Birthday on it as well as candles and the bass drum as the name of the band “5 little pigs” written on it. As the music begins, a stage trap opens up and a grand piano comes up with a piglet wearing a black wig, sunglasses and a yellow vest playing as he looks at us. There are birthday gifts on the piano as the cake turns around and 3 more piglets appear all wearing cowboy hats and dancing up and down to the beat. We get a closeup of the drummer, then of the dancing piglets who show us their butt and curly tail then closeup of the pianist who also dances with his butt up with curly tail as he plays and sings. The pig at the piano gets up on the bench and dances up and down just like the piglets dancing at the back. The curtain closes and the words happy birthday appear on it as the 3 dancing piglets peek through the curtain waving their cowboy hats with their hands.
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