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Max Birthday e card

Max Birthday e card

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View the Max Birthday e card Ecard
This is an animated ecard with Max the chocolate color Labrador. The screen is filled with very large birthday gifts in bright colors and ribbons like yellow, pink, green with blue polka dots and bright green. There is a little mouse with a party hat standing at the bottom right of the screen playing the violin. The large yellow box at the forefront opens up showing foam packing peanuts and Max comes out of the box. Max sits facing us and the gift box closes itself. With his right leg, Max pushes the pink gift next to him and the gift opens up showing once again foam packing peanuts, Max puts his head in and pulls out a red party hat with yellow polka dots and puts it on his head. Max goes to a blue gift box, he pushes the gift with his right leg, it opens up and 3 little Labrador puppies with party hats come out of it! They all come back at the front of the screen in front of the yellow gift, the gift opens up and a beautiful 4 tiered white and red cake with red candles and Max takes a red rope and pulls the cake out on a wheeled plate from the box and the puppies back out as the cake is revealed. Max barks and the candles light up! The words Happy Birthday in fuchsia letters with a yellow background appear at the top of the screen ending the ecard.
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