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Larry Kinq Birthday

Larry Kinq Birthday

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View the Larry Kinq Birthday Ecard
This singing and funny animated ecard begins with a large microphone with the words “Larry Kinq Live” written on it and a map of the world in the background. The we are in the studio with Larry Kinq sitting at his desk in front of his microphone and the map of the world in the background. After he speaks, he grabs the mic and begins to sing, jumps on the desk and starts dancing as Anderson Cooper’s head is coming up from behind the desk and he jumps on the desk and dances as well. Wolf Blitzer arrive son the scene moon walking on the floor in front of the desk and joins in the dance. Anderson Cooper jumps on the floor and dances next to Wolf Blitzer as Larry Kinq sings away. A cake slides on the desk next to Larry Kinq as balloons fall from above and the final banner appears on the screen with the words “happy birthday to one of the Greatest”.
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