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Batty Singing Telegram Ecard

Batty Singing Telegram Ecard

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View the Batty Singing Telegram Ecard Ecard
This animated ecard is set in a cavern and a large bat flies through, lands and he is wearing a red suit, bowtie and cap as well as glasses. From his pocket, he pulls out a bowling ball and drops it, then a vacuum cleaner and drops it, then an accordion and he also drops it, then he pulls out dentures that try to bite him. Finally he pulls out the telegram, unfolds it as it is large and we see the heads of 2 men and 2 women singers with happy birthday written above them and the start singing. The bat lets the telegram go and a cake appears in his hand as he smiles and confettis fall from above. “Happy Birthday” appears at the bottom of the screen.
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