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Thanksgiving Tap

Thanksgiving Tap

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View the Thanksgiving Tap Ecard
The Thanksgiving Tap animated ecard is set in a kitchen where a turkey is cooking in the stove and a small terrier is sleeping on the floor. As the music begins, the stove door pops open and the turkey stands up showing its turkey booties. It jumps off the stove and next to the dog who looks at it and smiles. The turkey takes one of the booties, puts it on its head and throws away the other bootie and begins to tap dance on the kitchen floor. Next the turkey is on the counter in front of a window and is emptying a bag of potatoes in a large bowl as it goes on dancing. With a spatula, the turkey whips up the potatoes into mashed potatoes. The turkey pushes away the bowl and next is juggling with beets as green beans wearing top hats dance in line behind the turkey. The dog joins in and the turkey passes on the beets to the dog who goes on juggling as the turkey taps away. It comes back holding a large bowl above its head and the dog juggles the beets into the bowl. Next, while the dog is holding another bowl, the turkey is juggling 3 heads of lettuce, throws them in the bowl and cuts them in pieces and does the same thing with other vegetables as they get chopped and inside the bowl they go. Next, the turkey is tap dancing on the counter next to a can of cranberry sauce lying on its side as the green beans are back dancing in line. The turkey jumps up in the air and falls on the can opening it up and the sauce is out. The turkey taps over to a long Thanksgiving table with all the food on it as well as table settings ready for guests. The string beans dance their way into a bowl on the table and the turkey jumps up and falls into a platter on the table as its paper hat flies away. We see the dog standing on two legs and smiling at the end of the table as the final banner appears reading “have a delicious Thanksgiving”.
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