eCard Category


Rosh Hashana Song

Rosh Hashana Song

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The Rosh Hashana Song is a singing and animated ecard beginning with a blue envelope with a Star of David sticker and as the sticker lifts off, the whole envelope turns into a stage with red curtain, audience and at the back of the stage are the words Rosh Hashana Festival. A jewish man with a challah bread as a head wears a yarmulke and pais and he plays the shofar. As he plays and the music begins, a pomegranate with arms, legs, shoes, a face with makeup, gloved hands and a little pink skirt walks on stage and begins to sing and dances to her song. The shofar has trumpet finger buttons and the challah man plays it. As the singer goes on, little pomegranate seeds appear on stage with legs and dance to the song along with the dancer and challah man.
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